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September 12, 2012
Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet

Mawlana Shaykh Mehmet effendi speaking on making Dua (supplication)

Sheikh Mehmet Adil Al-Haqqani sohbat of the 26th of October, 2014.

Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jamiyah.

Allah gave us Muslim, mu’min people many things, many favours. Endless favours He gave. And one of
them – dua, praying, to pray. Dua, you know. “ud’uni astajib lakum” (40:60) – [Call on Me, I will answer]
Dua very important weapon for Muslim people.
Acceptable dua, Allah give you what you want. But other, maybe sometimes you make dua, you cannot
take what you want but still continue because Allah He promised, if not in this world, in akhira He’ll give
you for something you which all your dua in dunya not acceptable. Because Allah, He will reward in
akhira. You cannot imagine how He… When we say, people they wish (that) all their dua not acceptable, to
keep them in akhira, this reward. It is big.
But also we must, because it is order also, we must make dua: to pray for us, for children, for community,
for Muslims. We must do dua. It is, alhamdulillah, very nice thing. Many times dua acceptable, especially
for parents for their children. We must make dua every time for our children because they are our most
loved things, and we want them to be with us in akhira also, in paradise, not to go to other place. Because
in akhira they will call 1,000 ya man mujrimun (O sinners) “Come alone”. Separate all bad people.
Sometimes… Separate. How separate? Father from son, son from mother. This is separate. Endless
InshaAllah not to be like this. For this we must make dua every time for children, for children of Muslims
to be in right way inshaAllah. Allah save them from bad people, bad things inshaAllah, and make them
happy, to understand the real happiness.
Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

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Dua in Shaykh Nazim Dergah

September 12, 2012
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim

In early 2011 Many people from around the world travelled to the home of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim to participate in the commemoration of the Mawlid (birth) of the beloved messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam (peace and blessings be upon him), amongst the travellers were highly esteemed figures of the Islamic World, Sayyid Shaykh Habib Kadhim as-Saqqaf of Yemen, His Blessed father Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad Al Saqqaf, Sayyidi Shaykh Saduddin Abul Qasim Al Maghrabi (Green Shaykh), Shaykh Babikr As Sudani (london).
This clip is a dua after prayer during the days of mawlid in the Dergah (Masjid) of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (alayhi rahma).

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Naqshbandi Documentary

September 12, 2012
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim

A documentary on our visit to to be in the presence of Sultan Ul Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (alayhi Rahmah), We travelled during the summer of 2011 on this particular trip and decided to document our visit by recording various clips and interviews. The idea came about due to the many times we get asked why do you travel to cyprus? what do you do there? and why is it so special for you? this video is just a mere glimpse of the life in Lefke, visiting the Awliya carries many blessings, to sit in the company of the pious and those who are close to the almighty their is much to be learned. Mawlana shaykh is an endless ocean, teaching us good character, morals, respect, adab and manners in the way of Islam. His spiritual guidance is such that it uplifts the soul and allows one to reconnect to the almighty in a fashion that is based upon pure character and examples of the prophets and Men of Allah azwajal.

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